Updated 23/07/2024


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Malcolm Phipps
No. 3 The Copse
Hemel Hempstead
Hertfordshire HP1 2TA

Sensei Malcolm Phipps 9th Dan awarding Sensei Sunita Saini with her 2nd Dan.

Successful students at the Hemel Hempstead January 2024 Grading.


Superb grading at the Hemel Hempstead dojo this evening and the standard was truly excellent. The results as follows:

2nd Dan Sunita Saini
2nd Kyu Daniel Brooks
5th Kyu Daniel Harris, Su Hasan, Aliza Mungur and Mukil Sethupathi
8th Kyu Tom Brand, Mandy Klonari and Niko Gklavas
9th Kyu Darren Golding, Chantelle Golding and Adam Golding

Well done to all the above on a great grading.

Grading panel: Sensei Malcolm Phipps 9th Dan, Sensei Paul Carvell 5th Dan and Sensei Siva Niranjan 3rd Dan. Also, a huge thank you to Sensei Crystal Close 2nd Dan who helped partner the senior grades for kumite.

Well done to all


HH Kyu grading April 2024 (2)

Hemel Hempstead Kyu Grading at Highfeld Community Centre – 25th April 2024

9th Kyu – Fatih Hasan, Syonmes Hasan, Lea Tywonek, Sia Fredericks, Amelia Sayanthan

8th Kyu – Darren Golding, Chantelle Golding, Adam Golding, Amy Long

7th Kyu – Thomas Brand, Diamanto Klonari

4th Kyu – Mukil Sethupathi, Su Hasan, Daniel Harris

Panel: Sensei Malcolm Phipps 9th Dan, Sensei Paul Carvell 5th Dan, Sensei Siva Niranjan 3rd Dan

Many congratulations and well done to all the above.





Steph Farrer Yondan (2)

At the Highfield Community Centre Dojo in Hemel Hempstead on Monday 29th April 2024, Sensei Stephanie Farrer passed her Yondan (4th Dan) grading in real style.  Steph’s kata was the Shotokan kata, Tekki Nidan, which she performed well and also showed the bunkai of this kata with her chosen team.

She then took a senior grade class for an hour, again on her chosen subject. The grading panel for this grading was, Sensei Malcolm Phipps 9th Dan, Sensei Tony Bunting 8th Dan and Sensei Jeff Carson 6th Dan. 

Well done Steph’ and many congratulations from all in SSKI.


PHOTO: Steph’ Farrer with the grading panel




At the Highfield Community Centre Dojo in Hemel Hempstead on Monday 20th May 2024, Sensei Philip Barton passed his Yondan (4th Dan) grading in excellent style. He took a black-belt class plus one first kyu for an hour on the many uses of Empi-Uchi-Waza including street defences. His chosen kata for the grading was, Ji’in which he performed as a kata and then with the bunkai with his chosen team. This part of the exam was taken a few weeks ago.

The grading panel for this grading was, Sensei Malcolm Phipps 9th Dan, Sensei Tony Bunting 8th Dan and Sensei Jeff Carson 6th Dan. 

Well done Phil and many congratulations from all in SSKI.

PHOTO: Phil Barton with the grading panel and the class.




Great grading on Thursday 18th July at the Highfield Community Centre in Hemel Hempstead.  The standard was excellent and the results were as follows:

9th Kyu – Parita Fredericks.

7th Kyu – Nicolaos Gklavas, Adam Golding, Chantelle Golding, Darren Golding.

6th Kyu – Diamanto Klonari, Thomas Brand.

4th Kyu – Alizia Mungur.

3rd Kyu – Daniel Harris, Rani Sarvaiya, Su Hasan, Mukil Sethupathi.

1st Kyu – Daniel Brooks.

1st Dan – Raj Sarvaiya.

2nd Dan – Nethra Nair.

Grading Panel - Sensei Malcolm Phipps 9th Dan, Sensei Paul Carvell 5th Dan and Sensei Siva Niranjan 3rd Dan.

Well done to everyone.



1st Dan – Raj Sarvaiya.

2nd Dan – Nethra Nair.